Monday, November 16, 2009


Last June I had my daughter Savannah . She was born via emergency C Section. My husband & I discussed the potential problems of trying to have another child. We decided that it was to risky & that I should have a tubal. So in August I had the tubal . My doctor discovered that I had severe endometriosis during the procedure & said that he recommends a hysterectomy. Well at that time I still had Medicaid from being pregnant. It was the last day of Medicaid & I would no longer be eligible for it.
A year goes by & every month I'm in terrible pain. Then the pain comes more often. I have no job & no insurance. I'm not well enough to hold a job. Finally I go to the health dept. for my yearly "thing" & the nurse there also says I need a hysterectomy . The endometriosis has spread. So she tries to get in touch with U of L. A few months later , still still hasn't got in touch with them. So I guess I'm going to have to try to make payment arrangements with Dr. Newton to have the surgery done. I was told on the phone by his nurse that I could. I go to my appt. & they tell me that appt. will cost $70 . Of course I didn't have that & they would not work with me on it. Sooo , back to square one. I call the nurse at the health dept. back & she tells me about Dr. Blackstone. She says if I quailfy he will do it for FREE. FREE !! That's my language. So I go see Dr. Blackstone & he sets me up for a Davinci Hysterctomy for Nov. 9 ,2009. Just a month away.
I'll blog my post hysterectomy later.